
Is a Flow style of Leadership possible? Leadership is all about influence. The greater the sphere of influence – the greater is your leadership.  Employees follow an Influential leader because they want to – not because they have to! It is not an obligation, but a passion to perform as a group led by a...
Anchoring: (NLP) Techniques to Get in The Divine State of Mind Anchoring is a technique that is used by many people unknowingly and can be used intentionally with NLP techniques. Anchors are triggers for different states of mind; you may want to feel more confident when making a business phone call and an anchor can...
Cognitive bias (and often) is a non-factual, exaggerated pattern of thinking. Therefore, you will see things more negatively than they really are. In other words, a cognitive bias is your mind that leads you to believe in negative things about yourself and your world that is not always true. Everyone sometimes falls into cognitive bias....
Elevate yourself through the power of your mind, and not degrade yourself, for the mind can be the friend and also the enemy of the self I, Me & Myself a self-introspective inward journey program by K hsejaR. The whole program revolves around understanding self(I), Understanding Others( ME- Mind and Emotions the spectacles we see...

Cognitive Excellence

It matters how you feel every day. The Universe inspires you to sense your feeling and have a better understanding of your emotions. Science has tools that can help you to make the changes you want. And at CE, we promote health, harmony, and wellbeing through our easy, effective, and scientific programs that do the work of energy alignment and give you the enthusiasm to live this magnificent life with infinite possibilities.

Recent Articles

Abundance Attraction With Elevated Energies
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Anchoring: (NLP) Techniques to Get in The Divine State of Mind
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Ten Common Distorted Thinking Patterns
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